National Shrine of St. Jude
St. Jude St. Jude Journal

Dear  Friend of St. Jude,

Welcome to the St. Jude Journal. I am delighted to share with you letters of thanksgiving for St. Jude's intercession, especially during the Solemn Novena to St. Jude, April 27th—May 5th. Please join with me and thousands of other devotees by sending your petition or letter of gratitude to the National Shrine of St. Jude.

Our Solemn Novena to St. Jude is a focused time for spiritual growth and to refresh our dedication to prayer. During the Novena, we celebrate the blessings we receive through St. Jude’s intercession. Our time spent in prayer renews our devotion to St. Jude and reminds us of the strength and hope he has ready for us in return.

One of the special aspects of the Solemn Novena is that our individual prayers are joined by their focus into a community of prayer, celebrating God’s tremendous love for each of us.

I invite you to join us in celebrating this Novena, and welcome your petitions and special intentions. We will place them at the altar of St. Jude at the National Shrine to be remembered at our Masses and Novena services during these nine days of prayer.

May you be truly renewed through this Novena experience, whether you are able to join us in person or are joining us from a distance through prayer.

Yours in prayer,

Fr. Mark, CMF

Fr. Mark Brummel, CMF
Director, St. Jude League

photo: Father Mark Brummel, C. M. F.

Thank You St. Jude

In letters of gratitude, we give thanks.

In May, I had to have my yearly mammogram. My test showed a small spot. The nurse called me to redo the test. As soon as I hung up the phone, I started to pray the Novena. On my next appointment, I was told that everything is perfect. I now have a clean bill of health. To me, that was a miracle from St. Jude.
- R.L., New Iberia, LA


I would like to thank St. Jude for his compassion, love and, patience. He has answered a prayer that I thought was unanswerable. So much so that when it was answered, I did not even realize it at the time. Thank you, St. Jude!
- A.C., E-mail


Thanks to St. Jude for answering my petition. Our parish was to close, but is now remaining open. St. Jude came through for us!
- S.B., St. Louis, MO


A St. Jude Prayer & Reflection