National Shrine of St. Jude
St. Jude St. Jude Journal

Dear  Friend of St. Jude,

Welcome to the St. Jude Journal. I am delighted to share with you letters of thanksgiving for St. Jude's intercession, especially during the Solemn Novena to St. Jude. Please join with me and thousands of other devotees by sending your petition or letter of gratitude to the National Shrine of St. Jude.

Our Solemn Novena to St. Jude this February comes just before the start of Lent. We are called during this holy season to examine how we live our commitment to our faith, to pray for grace and inspiration, and to reflect on changes we can make in our life that will bring us even closer to God.

To prepare ourselves for Lent, we bring our needs and special intentions to St. Jude for intercession. Having entrusted him with our petitions, we gain strength to focus on spiritual renewal and self-reflection. We work to begin Lent with a clear mind and a loving heart, open to grow in faith and enjoy the many blessings of Lenten prayer.

The Solemn Novena to St. Jude takes place February 2nd—10th at the National Shrine of St. Jude. You can join in the Novena by sending your petitions and special intentions to the altar of St. Jude, where they will be included in the Masses and prayers of the Claretians throughout the nine days of Solemn Novena prayer.

May God bless you during the Solemn Novena as we prepare for Lent’s blessings and discoveries.

Yours in prayer,

Fr. Mark, CMF

Fr. Mark Brummel, CMF
Director, St. Jude League

photo: Father Mark Brummel, C. M. F.

Thank You St. Jude

In letters of gratitude, we give thanks.

Recently, I needed an answer to a prayer. That’s when St. Jude came into my life. I was given a prayer card, and I started to say the prayer nightly. My prayer was answered, and my needs were met. St. Jude listens and answers prayers.
- L.B., Houston, TX


My husband had to have surgery for a tumor on his brain. I came home and prayed to St. Jude to give me strength to handle my husband’s illness. The surgery was successful, and I know it’s because of St. Jude that everything turned out well.
- P.B., Hibbing, MN


St. Jude, I know you are interceding for me, because so many times you have answered my prayers. Thank you, St. Jude.
- O.S., Evanston, IL


A St. Jude Prayer & Reflection